Monday, 31 December 2007

Gerald Joseph Youngblood,Raymond Castillo Jr

Gerald Joseph Youngblood, 27, more recently of Dunkirk, is charged in Jay Circuit Court with dealing in cocaine, maintaining a common nuisance and two counts each of dealing in a controlled substance and dealing in marijuana

He has been accused of engaging in drug transactions with an agent of the Tri-County Drug Task Force in Jay County.
The cocaine count is a Class A felony carrying a standard 30-year prison term, while the more serious of the controlled substance charges is a Class B felony with a standard 10-year sentence.
In November, Youngblood struck a deal with prosecutors that called for him to plead guilty to the class B felony and a dealing-in-marijuana charge, a misdemeanor.
Judge Brian Hutchison tentatively set a sentencing hearing for Jan. 11.
More recently, however, public defender Max C. Ludy Jr. asked that his client's case instead be set for trial.
According to court records, Youngblood has convictions, all in Delaware County courts, for criminal conversion (four counts in 2001), intimidation (2004) and possession of methamphetamine (2005). He was most recently released from prison in March 2006. Portland man has pleaded guilty to selling prescription medication to an undercover police informant.
Raymond Castillo Jr., 30, pleaded guilty to one of three counts of dealing in a controlled substance, a Class B felony, pending against him.
He is scheduled to be sentenced by Hutchison on Friday.
Castillo was convicted of battery resulting in bodily injury in Jay Superior Court last February and received a suspended sentence. A hearing on allegations he violated his probation in that case is set for Feb. 12.
He had been convicted in the same court of battery in August 2004 and possession of marijuana in July 1999.

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