Friday, 28 December 2007

Michael John Newton

Michael John Newton, of Dale Street, Ulverston, also turned up late for his appearance at Furness Magistrates’ Court (20) and was slapped with a £25 fine.
Prosecutor Mrs Lisa O’Loughlin told how the emergency services were called to Newton’s home on December 4 after a friend of his collapsed.
She said ambulance crews were accompanied by the police who seized weighing scales, foil with traces of powder on it and a further piece of foil that had been used to smoke heroin.
She said: “When questioned by police he admitted they were all his and were for personal use.
Mrs O’Loughlin added that he had several drug-related convictions, with the last being in June 2003. Newton pleaded guilty to possession of diamorphine on Decembe
He also pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis and this was taken intro consideration.

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