Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Andrew Sinharoy,Stephen Richardson deny robbery and attempted robbery

Mr Richardson, 23, of Edward Street, Stockton, and Mr Sinharoy, 28, of Wicklow Street, Middlesbrough, deny robbery and attempted robbery. The trial continues.Stewart Brockie is said to have arranged to meet a dealer in the hope his former girlfriend would turn up after he heard she was selling heroin on the streets.
A jury at Teesside Crown Court was told how the North Yorkshire man had lost touch with his ex-lover, from Middlesbrough, but had been given a mobile phone number for the dealer she was working for and called to arrange a deal, in Middlesbrough, on October 27 last year. But the woman never turned up and, instead, Mr Brockie was said to have been met by Andrew Sinharoy, after travelling from his home in Catterick.Richard Bennett, prosecuting, said Mr Sinharoy became aggressive after being told by Mr Brockie - who did not use drugs - that he did not want any crack cocaine. Mr Sinharoy is alleged to have told Mr Brockie that he had paid £120 for the drugs and that he was going to have to give him some money.
The court was told that Mr Sinharoy called a friend, Stephen Richardson, and the pair robbed Mr Brockie.Mr Bennett said the pair stole Mr Brockie's wallet and mobile phone, before threatening him with a knife and ordering him to drive to a cash-point to get some money.The jury was told that the men went to Sainsbury's, in Middlesbrough. Mr Bennett said the victim took an opportunity to flee inside the store and seek help from staff, while Mr Sinharoy and Mr Richardson ran away.
The pair were later arrested, but claimed they rescued Mr Brockie from an attack by drug-dealers and paid off his debt, then went to the cash-point to retrieve their money.

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