Thursday, 28 February 2008
Ronnie Rothenburg,Stephen Stockall found guilty and sentenced
Ronnie Rothenburg, of Wallace Street, and Stephen Stockall, of Marford Close, Kingsmead, both denied the smuggling bid but were found guilty and sentenced this morning at Southampton Crown Court.Customs officials found almost 14 kilogrammes of 100 per cent pure heroin were they pulled over a haulage lorry for examination at Newhaven docks, Sussex.When officers searched the vehicle, which had brought driving equipment from Spain, they discovered the class A drugs stashed behind speakers in the cab.The driver 27-year-old Rothenburg was immediately arrested, and the lorry owner Stockall, 47 was subsequently detained.Judge Derwin Hope said the foiled plot represented a major importation and they had been a vital cog' in a professional organsation.This was a most serious offence which merits a most serious punishment.
Stephen Stockall is my uncle and i think this is ridiculous. There was no evidence that he had anything to do with this except him making calls to Ronnie. How can you find someone guilty just for making phone calls to his driver, how on earth can he be responsible for what his drivers take into their cab. This whole thing is pathetic. I understand the amount of the drug is massive and that heroin is a terrible drug but there is no chance my uncle had anything to do with this, he is a family man from a small town and is not involved in heroin, not a chance. An innocent man is in prison and the whole legal system is wrong. Some of the jury on this case slept through the trial, how can they make a decision about somebodys life. Ronnie and Stephen should not have been up court together and they should have been two seperate trials, i think that Ronnie and Stephen were seen as one person and so because they found Ronnie guilty they thought the owner of the cab must have known, well i think it is so wrong. If Ronnie had had a prostitute in his cab would my uncle be to blame? No, so why is he getting the same sentance as him?