Dustin F. Bishop, 27, 1949 North 31st Road, Ottawa, was arrested at 7:26 p.m. on Interstate 80 at the Marseilles exit on complaints of driving under the influence (drugs), possession of a controlled substance (heroin), fleeing-attempting to elude police, reckless driving, endangering the life or health of a child and improper lane usage.Bishop was observed weaving in traffic on Interstate 80. When a deputy got behind Bishop's vehicle, Bishop made a "quick pass" around a semitrailer and then a quick exit from the interstate, according to a police report.
Bishop's son was turned over to a family member. Bishop was taken to the hospital for further testing for the driving under the influence of drugs charge. Bishop then turned over several packets of heroin he had placed in his mouth.He was taken to the La Salle County Jail.
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