Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Adam D. Meyer,Elizabeth S. Lawyer "It was a heroin deal gone bad,"

Adam D. Meyer, 22, formerly of Dixon, and Elizabeth S. Lawyer, 26, were arrested Thursday in the apartment they share on state Route 84.They are in Winnebago County Jail. Meyer, whom investigators believe is the shooter, is being held on $1.5 million bond; Lawyer, who is accused of providing the gun, is being held on $1 million.According to investigators, the afternoon of May 27, Larry "Chico" D. Wright, 36, was sitting in his car on Parmele Street and 20th Avenue in Rockford when he was shot.
The arrest was the result of a tip made to State Police in Sterling, Blackhawk Area Task Force Master Sgt. John Biffany said."It was a heroin deal gone bad," Biffany said.Two weeks before the shooting, Meyer was charged with misdemeanor possession of a hypodermic needle for heroin use. Lawyer has a misdemeanor conviction for possession of drug paraphernalia, court records show.
No further arrests are planned at this time, Rockford police said in a news release Thursday.

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