Monday, 18 August 2008

Mark Shady, is charged with 14 counts of delivery of cocaine, 15 counts of possession with intent to deliver, two counts of corrupt organizations

Mark Shady, 32, of 1362 Lusk Run Road, is charged with 14 counts of delivery of cocaine, 15 counts of possession with intent to deliver, two counts of corrupt organizations, one count of criminal use of a communication facility and one count of conspiracy to deliver cocaine, according to state Attorney General Tom Corbett.Agents estimate the group was responsible for moving more than seven kilograms of cocaine with a street value of more than $780,000 since at least 2004.
Corbett said the investigation started focusing mainly on Shady's alleged distribution of cocaine in Lock Haven, Williamsport and the surrounding areas. From there, agents were able to identify two of his cocaine sources.Evidence and testimony about the alleged criminal activity was presented to a statewide investigating grand jury, which recommended the charges being filed Friday.
According to the grand jury, from March to August 2007, law enforcement agents made 14 cocaine purchases from Shady in Clinton County. The amounts purchased ranged from 3.4 to 84.4 grams, costing anywhere from $200 to $3,750.
Corbett said 10 of these transactions allegedly occurred at Shady's former residence in Woolrich. Others occurred at a gas station in Clinton County and an abandoned shopping plaza in Lock Haven, the attorney general said.
According to the grand jury, all of the cocaine bought in these 14 purchases came from either Coley Crouse or his partner, Scott Kramer.On Aug. 15, 2007, agents executed a search warrant on the residence of Crouse and his wife Julia Chiampi and found cocaine, a small bag of marijuana and different types of drug paraphernalia, according to Corbett. Agents also discovered more than $8,000 in cash, $3,720 of which was found to be the funds allegedly used in the undercover cocaine buys. Chiampi will be charged at a later date, Corbett said.The three defendants were preliminarily arraigned before Lycoming County Magisterial District Judge Allen Page.
Shady is being held in Lycoming County Prison in lieu of $25,000 bail.
Crouse and Kramer were released on $25,000 and $15,000 bail respectively.
The case will be prosecuted in Lycoming County by Senior Deputy Attorney General Patrick Leonard of the Attorney General's Drug Strike Force Section.Crouse, 33, 66 Pheasant Lane, Cogan Station, is charged with five counts of possession with intent to deliver, four counts of delivery of cocaine, two counts of corrupt organizations, one count of criminal use of a communication facility and one count of conspiracy to deliver cocaine.Kramer, 33, 2156 Wheatland Ave., Williamsport, is charged with three counts of possession with intent to deliver, two counts of delivery of cocaine, two counts of corrupt organizations, one count of criminal use of a communication facility and one count of conspiracy to deliver cocaine.

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