Thursday, 28 August 2008
Samantha Krawshuk and others had bought heroin and paid for a hotel room in Avon after a trip to the pawn shop to unload the goods
Samantha Krawshuk, 19, of 2 Spoonwood Road, Canton, was charged by warrant with first-degree larceny and hindering prosecution after she gave police a false statement about the incident, blaming others who weren't involved, Lt. William Tyler said. Family members in Farmington reported to police July 12 that $13,200 in jewelry including a diamond engagement ring, an emerald ring, silver bracelets and necklaces and several other items were missing. Police were able to determine that Krawshuk and others had bought heroin and paid for a hotel room in Avon after a trip to the pawn shop to unload the goods in late July, Tyler said. Krawshuk gave police a written statement identifying who she believed was responsible for the crime, which investigators later determined pointed out people who weren't actually involved. She was also charged with conspiracy to commit first-degree larceny, interfering with an officer and second-degree making a false statement. She turned herself in to police early Wednesday and was held on $40,000 bond until her appearance in Hartford Superior Court later in the day. Tyler said more arrests are expected in the case.
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