Sunday, 12 October 2008

Gouger St,Adelaide gunfights which have erupted on one of the state's premier eating strips are worrying.

Gunfights which have erupted on one of the state's premier eating strips are worrying.Until recently, no one had considered eating on Gouger St to be hazardous, but with two shootings there since June, diners along the street are understandably becoming nervous.Adelaide may not have the problems with gun crime that plague many other large metropolitan cities, but to file the events of recent months as an aberration would be irresponsible.police are failing to make significant headway in cutting down the scourge of gun crime, with 1498 incidents recorded in the past five years.It appears the criminal underworld in South Australia is either growing or becoming more brazen in dealing with its conflicts in full view of the public.Trafficking of drugs and guns across state borders is also growing and it is clear better national co-ordination is needed between police forces and governments to crack down on these evils.It still appears far too easy for the wrong people to obtain guns. That gun crime has not fallen even as police confiscate thousands of firearms a year, indicates procuring a weapon is still too easy.Premier Mike Rann has been consistent in his attacks on crime and this is to be applauded. However, the question has to be asked whether the rhetoric matches the reality, given the continued prevalence of guns in our society.Gun laws across the nation have tightened considerably since the Port Arthur massacre in 1996. Responsible governments should continue to examine ways to further improve legislation, although without disadvantaging groups such as farmers and sporting shooters who have legitimate reasons to own guns.The State Government will further toughen gun laws in coming weeks and this is a sensible move.An amnesty as proposed by Police Minister Michael Wright might achieve some reduction in illegal weapons but this is far from certain.Clearly, the best strategy is to give police the resources, funding and legal armoury they need to curb weapons smuggling, establish a formidable street presence and seize illegal

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