Thursday, 9 October 2008

Leidimar Guedes faces charges of driving with a suspended license, resisting arrest, drug violation near a park or school zone

Narcotics detectives set up surveillance outside Café Belo at 120 Washington St., an area that drug dealing suspect Leidimar Guedes frequently visits, according to police.Detectives had obtained a Somerville District Court warrant to search Guedes and his car two days earlier, according to police reports.At about 7:30 p.m., Guedes drove up in his 2001 gray Acura on New Washington Street, parked on the side of the road and got out of the car.When detectives James Hyde and Detective Michael Brown exited their car with badges displayed, Guedes allegedly tried to run, but Hyde grabbed Guedes and wrestled him to the ground, according to police reports.
Hyde allegedly found three plastic bags of cocaine in Guedes’ left front pants pocket, and police also seized five separate stacks of cash totaling $478, a $100 check and a black Sprint Sanyo cell phone found in Guedes’ right front pocket.
When investigators searched Guedes’ gray 2001 Acura, they allegedly found a plastic sandwich bag containing seven plastic bags of cocaine under the driver’s floor mat. Cops also seized a Motorola Nextel cell phone and another Sprint Sanyo cell phone from Guedes’ car.
Police said Guedes’ money and his car would be subject to forfeiture proceedings due to the drug dealing charges.Guedes, 29, of 50 Cushing St., Medford, faces charges of driving with a suspended license, resisting arrest, drug violation near a park or school zone and Class B drug possession with intent to distribute.

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