Saturday, 11 October 2008
Sergio Acevedo Silva sentenced to 11 years
Sergio Acevedo Silva to 11 years, three months in prison and five years of supervised release Thursday. Silva was convicted of possession of meth with the intent to distribute and being an alien in possession of a firearm, the U.S. Attorney's Office reported.Silva will likely be deported at the end of his prison sentence.Law enforcement officers arrested Silva on July 5, 2007 as part of an investigation by the Puyallup Police Department and Drug Enforcement Administration, according to a press release.Officers had seen Silva load items into a rented storage locker and then make what appeared to be several drug sales.When officers stopped him, Silva had more than $7,000 cash and a loaded handgun in his car, according to a press release. During a later search of the car and storage unit, officers found small quantities of meth, cocaine, heroin and marijuana as well as several flat screen TVs.Silva had a previous conviction in Pierce County for meth possession. After his release from custody, he was deported.
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