Friday, 31 October 2008

Sudinia Johnson, 34 of Hamilton, and Otis Kelly, 40 of Fairfield. Arrested at Pleasant Avenue and Nilles Road in Fairfield,$1 million each bail

Sudinia Johnson of hamilton and Otis Kelly of Fairfield are each in jail on a million dollar bond tonight.The Butler County Sheriff says the two were traveling from Chicago to Butler County with 7 kilos of cocaine.He says authorities tracked the men from Chicago and pulled them over in Fairfield. Deputies also seized five vehicles in the investigation."It's one of the most sophisticated set ups we've ever seen. It's got hydraulics, it's got an alarm system on it. You can't get in to get to those drugs without an alarm going off and you have to set the hydraulics so the safe opens in the back seat." The sheriff says the suspects live in Butler County and distribute the drugs to dealers in the area.Fifteen pounds of cocaine from Chicago, by way of Mexico, estimated to be worth more than $500,000 on the street.Bonds were set at $1 million each for Sudinia Johnson, 34 of Hamilton, and Otis Kelly, 40 of Fairfield. Arrested at Pleasant Avenue and Nilles Road in Fairfield, the pair are charged with drug trafficking and possession.That was most of the haul undercover Butler County sheriff's investigators seized Wednesday in Fairfield in what officials say is the county's second largest cocaine bust. It occurred just a few months after the county's biggest bust."This is the second one of these we have had in about four months. You almost have to be one stupid criminal to come to this community with what we've got going on with the drug seizures and the arrests," Sheriff Rick Jones said Thursday.Jones would give few details about the investigation because he says more arrests are expected.Earlier this summer, a separate federal investigation in Butler County led to a bust where 17½ pounds of cocaine were found hidden in the bumper of a car.

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