Monday, 17 November 2008

Kalu Oleka Ude, 43, of Rue de Begeqk, Lome, Togo, was arrested by UK Border Agency (UKBA) officers

Kalu Oleka Ude, 43, of Rue de Begeqk, Lome, Togo, was arrested by UK Border Agency (UKBA) officers when he arrived on a flight from Gambia last Tuesday, an HMRC spokesman said.A search found the drugs, which could have fetched up to £150,000 on the streets once "cut" by dealers, the agency said.Oleka Ude has been remanded in custody at Manchester City Magistrates' Court.Peter Hollier, of the HMRC, said: "Working with our colleagues in the UKBA we will take every action to detect, seize and bring those smuggling drugs into the country before the courts."

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