Tuesday, 6 January 2009

David Trejo was sentenced to 60 years

David Trejo was sentenced to 60 years by Circuit Judge Samac Richardson for possession of more than 2 kilos of cocaine with a street value of more than $50,000.
Trejo was sentenced as a subsequent drug offender and also as a habitual offender, meaning he must serve the complete 60-year sentence."Cocaine is one of the most dangerous and most addictive drugs sold on our streets," said Guest. "Those who supply these drugs are some of the worst offenders because of the negative impact that drugs have on our society. Drugs are at the root of many of the crimes that we see in the district attorney's office, so I am proud that we were able to remove a drug dealer from our society for six decades."During a routine traffic stop, a Madison County sheriff's deputy asked Trejo for his license, noticing that Trejo and his passenger were acting nervous. The deputy also noticed a strong odor of air freshener.The deputy went back to his car and called in the driver's license number and learned that Trejo had previously been arrested for possession of marijuana and also for possession of cocaine with intent to distribute. He then requested a search of the car, which Trejo denied.The deputy advised both Trejo and his passenger that he would use a drug dog and that both would have to exit the vehicle. When the deputy approached the passenger, she turned away from him. The deputy then asked her to turn in his direction, and when she did, the deputy saw what was later determined to be several bricks of cocaine under her shirt. At the scene, Trejo told the deputy that the cocaine was his.

1 comment:

  1. Free the victim and put the judge away for 60 years would be a start towards true justice.
