Friday, 23 January 2009

James Anderson, 27, was convicted on all charges, which include two counts of possession with intent to deliver

James Anderson, 27, was convicted on all charges, which include two counts of possession with intent to deliver, two counts of conspiracy to possess drugs with intent to deliver, drug possession and possession of drug paraphernalia.The investigation progressed after an undercover drug buy was made from Anderson on Dec. 6, 2007, authorities said.His house was searched two days later.The Bedford County District Attorney’s Office said police seized heroin, at least $30,000 in cash and numerous firearms.Assets that were seized – which the state will seek to sell at auction – include a pickup, tractor and motorcycle.“Clearly, the jury did not believe Anderson’s convoluted story about being a hardworking auto mechanic that was able to save nearly $60,000 in cash over a two-year period, despite reporting only $65 in income to the IRS in 2006,” said Travis Livengood, assistant district attorney.“The jury saw James Anderson for exactly what he is – a drug dealer, plain and simple,” he said.Two others have been charged in connection with the ring.

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