Sunday, 11 January 2009

Sterling Airways, 700 passengers have been left stranded at London's Gatwick airport

Icelandic-owned airline bankrupt the situation," the spokeswoman
Up to 700 passengers have been added. 'Impossible' "Over a three
left stranded at London's Gatwick to four weeks period, the whole
airport after an Icelandic-owned [Icelandic] financial system
airline said it would file for melted down, and that resulted in
bankruptcy. Sterling Airways, our shareholder being unable to
which is based in Danish capital continue his support to the
Copenhagen, blamed the Icelandic company," Sterling said in a
financial collapse for making its statement on its website.
owner unable to continue funding. "Negotiations have been conducted
All Sterling flights have been with several potential investors,
cancelled, including services but it was impossible to make
from Gatwick to Copenhagen and ends meet." Sterling is just the
Stockholm. The budget airline was latest airline to end operations
owned by Iceland's Northern in recent months. Others have
Travel Holdings. Sterling also included XL Airways and Zoom.

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