Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Beau Michael Yakimishyn, 26, has forfeited his northeast Edmonton home, his $20,000 motorcycle and his $80,000 customized car

Beau Michael Yakimishyn, 26, has forfeited his northeast Edmonton home, his $20,000 motorcycle and his $80,000 customized car as proceeds of crime.Yakimishyn yesterday pleaded guilty to one count of trafficking cocaine and is slated to begin a two-day sentencing hearing in Court of Queen's Bench this morning.According to agreed facts, Yakimishyn sold cocaine at the ounce and kilogram level between April 23, 2005, and Feb. 14, 2006, and was involved in purchasing the drug and distributing it to street-level dealers.As a result of the wiretap operation by Mounties from Alberta, British Columbia and Newfoundland, as well as police from Edmonton and Calgary, it was learned that Yakimishyn was going to Calgary to buy cocaine in January 2006.He returned with more than four kilos of the drug, with an estimated value of $100,000, and converted half of it into crack cocaine at his residence. He then gave an unidentified man three kilos, however that person was nabbed after leaving Yakimishyn's home.An hour later, Yakimishyn left the home and was arrested after police found one kilo of powder cocaine and 25 grams of crack cocaine in the waistband of his pants.Police then used a warrant to search the home and seized an additional 98 grams of crack cocaine as well as a BlackBerry device that contained information relating to the trafficking organization.Court heard Yakimishyn is forfeiting any interest he has in his residence at 16103 73 St. other than $20,000 which was gifted to him for the down payment.As well, he is forfeiting his 2005 Custom Rigid motorcycle, purchased for $20,000, and his 2005 Chrysler 300C customized car, which was bought for $44,000, but valued at $80,000 after upgrades.Yakimishyn had been facing trial with three other alleged drug traffickers, including John Reginald Alcantara, 36, a full-patch member of the Edmonton Hells Angels. That trial continues.In November 2006, police announced they had seized 20 kilos of cocaine, three kg of marijuana, methamphetamine, guns, prohibited weapons and more than $2 million in cash, cars, trucks, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, jewelry and homes as part of a massive wiretap investigation dubbed Project KOKER.Eighteen people were charged following the 23-month investigation involving 100 officers, including Alcantara and fellow Hells Angel Alan Peter Knapczyk, 34.Police said the arrests were made using intelligence and wiretaps to intercept 58,000 private communications.

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