Monday, 25 May 2009

Red Bull Cola traces of cocaine found in it.

Germany is considering a nationwide ban on the high-energy drink Red Bull Cola after traces of cocaine were found in it.Authorities in the states of Hesse and North-Rhine Westphalia have ordered retailers to stop selling the beverage - which is available in the UK.The consumer ministries in the two states confirmed they had ordered retailers to pull the drink off their shelves after a food safety institute in North-Rhine Westphalia found the drug in samples.
Coke problem: An investigation in Germany has found traces of de-cocainized extract of coco leaf in Red Bull Cola'The institute examined Red Bull Cola in an elaborate chemical process and found traces of cocaine,' said Bernhard Kuehnle, head of the food safety department at the federal ministry for consumer protection.Authorities said the cocaine levels do not pose a health threat but are not permitted in foodstuffs.The investigation found the drink to contain a de-cocainized extract of coca leaf in the drink.

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