Sunday, 22 November 2009

Larry G. Baldwin, 61 Charged with possession with intent to distribute heroin

Charged with possession with intent to distribute heroin – a felony offense – were:
• Larry G. Baldwin, 61
• Matthew E. Baldwin, 27, Larry’s son; and
• Paula Holland, 43
Also arrested during the traffic stop, but charged
Five Keyser residents were arrested Thursday afternoon and charged with dealing heroin following a week-long investigation by the Keyser City Police Department and the Mineral County Sheriff’s Office.
The investigation, which was triggered by a citizen tip, culminated early Thursday afternoon in a controlled buy in Keyser. Following that monitored transaction, Keyser Police conducted a traffic stop on St. Cloud Street involving the vehicle in which the alleged drug peddlers were riding. with misdemeanor possession only, was Jared N. Citarelli, 21, of Keyser.
Seized during the 2:15 p.m. traffic stop was a small amount of heroin as well as the vehicle itself, a Dodge Neon, because it was involved in the alleged drug transaction.
As a result of the traffic stop, law enforcement officers obtained a warrant to search a residence on Limestone Road near Mill Meadow Park. Charged with felony possession with intent to distribute following that operation were:
• Mark C. Brant, 38 and
• Joletta Rebovich, 42, both also of Keyser.
Seized during the raid on Limestone Road was drug paraphernalia, a small amount of U.S. currency and a Dodge van.
Following their arrest, the suspects were transported to the Potomac Highlands Regional Jail. Larry Baldwin complained of chest pains during his arrest, and was transported to Potomac Valley Hospital, where he was held overnight in a guarded room. He was transported to the regional jail Friday afternoon.
Police credited the citizen who provided the tip with providing information that allowed officers to make the drug arrests. “That started it all,” a Keyser Police spokesman said

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