Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Marcus Gipson had pleaded guilty to drug trafficking charges on Sept. 14.

Gipson was arrested on April 3, 2008, at Dan Foley Park and charged with possession of about one pound of crack cocaine. Prosecutors said Vallejo detectives and federal drug enforcement agents also seized more than $1,200 and a loaded handgun from Gipson's vehicle.Gipson has three prior felony drug trafficking convictions involving crack cocaine, authorities said.
Shubb also said the severe sentence was sufficient but not greater than necessary to meet federal sentencing goals for serious drug trafficking crimes.Vallejo police, the federal Drug Enforcement Administration and the Solano County Multijurisdictional Methamphetamine Enforcement Team teamed up on the investigation. The Solano County District Attorney's Office also provided assistance.


  1. my husband did not deserve all this time. on the same day of his arriagnment a child molester got granted bail and my husband got denied. is the dirty muther fucking judge a child molester himself? my husband did not sell drugs to kids or turn people on to it. how does a person get over 20 years in federal prison for selling drugs to people who want to do it and a child molester gets to go free? dont ask your kids if they are doing drugs ask your kids if they are being molested because apparently the dirty judges and police are letting them roam the streets and giving unreasonable sentences to drug dealers.

  2. I agree with my mom, he did not deserve a 22 year sentence! its crazy how you get more time for selling drugs then murder?? never understood that! i dont see how pedifiles get to make bail and get 5-10 year sentences and they give a man over a decade for some drugs?? this was all very personal the solano county justice system, and vallejo PD had more of a personal issue with my father and they did everything to could to make him seem like a horrible person! i understand you do the crime you do the time. but this is just outright ridiculous
