Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Stephen Worthington, 30, of Alexander Close, Workington, and stephen Jackson, 31, of Westfield View, Flimby, will appear before West Allerdale

Stephen Worthington, 30, of Alexander Close, Workington, and stephen Jackson, 31, of Westfield View, Flimby, will appear before West Allerdale magistrates charged with possession of a class A drug with intent to supply.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I want to file a law suit , corrupt cops have No ethics considering they take an oath to service and protect , then they put bogus charges on the less fortunate " those with criminal histories whom can't afford an attorney .

    This conduct is not excepted and those found guilty of violating their oath , should lose everything encluding their freedom , this abusive conduct has cost the state millions .

    I sincerely pray for change , cause the C.P.D., can lie to the grand jury and alter documents then get layed off work with pay , all after perjurying the very documents they Use against the arrestee .
