Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Bikie figures don't lie, says Rann | Adelaide Now

FIGURES revealed by Premier Mike Rann show police have arrested or reported 210 bikie gang members since 2007.

The figures revealed yesterday by Mr Rann - copied below - also show police have arrested or reported 570 bikie gang associates, issued 217 licensed premises barring orders and 23 firearms prohibition orders since November 2007.

Mr Rann gave the figures as both he and Police Commissioner Mal Hyde hosed down speculation yesterday about a rift over the threat posed by outlaw bikie gangs in South Australia.

The speculation has again raised the issue of whether SA's anti-bikie laws are effective, with the Opposition reiterating they had only supported the bikie control legislation because police had urged them to.

Mr Rann said police had seized 33,245 street deals involving amphetamines, 63,061 of cannabis, 10,063 of ecstasy and 8481 of other drugs. In related crimes, police had seized 65 pistols, 132 other firearms and more than $1.25 million in cash."

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