Friday, 7 January 2011

Derby sex abuse gang leaders jailed | UK news | The Guardian

Derby sex abuse gang leaders jailed | UK news | The Guardian: "ringleaders of a gang who groomed vulnerable girls for sex were given indefinite prison sentences today .

Abid Mohammed Saddique, 27, and Mohammed Romaan Liaqat, 28 from Derby – both married with children – were described by a judge at Nottingham crown court as 'sexual predators' who subjected their victims to a 'reign of terror'.

Saddique was jailed for a minimum of 11 years before he is eligible for parole and Liaqat for eight years.

Judge Philip Head told Saddique: 'Your crimes can only be described as evil,' adding he was an 'evil, manipulative and controlling' character who was a continuing danger to young girls.

'You are in the truest sense a sexual predator with a voracious sexual appetite that you gratified as frequently as possible in a variety of ways.'

He said the pair's attitude was 'sex at any price' as they and others embarked on what he described as a 'reign of terror on girls in Derby'."

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