Afzal Maskeen, 20, was in possession of 353 grams of the drug with a street value of £2,461, Bradford Crown Court heard.He was surrounded by drug dealing equipment, including plastic bags and scales, prosecutor Lesley Dickinson told the court Maskeen was arrested when drugs officers swooped at his home in Fairbank Road, Girlington, Bradford, in September.He told them the cannabis was for his own use, Miss Dickinson said.He later pleaded guilty to possessing the drug with intent to supply it to others.Abraham Verghese said in mitigation Maskeen had never used Class A drugs and had no previous convictions for drugs offences.He had been thrown out of college for poor attendance and spent three years without a job.His habit cost him £90 a day, leading him to sell the drug to friends.The judge, Recorder Ian Graham, said Maskeen had been caught with "a large quantity of cannabis and all the equipment of a drug dealer"He sent him to a young offender institution for 12 months.


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